The NEON District Fence Gallery was a temporary outdoor art exhibition surrounding the former Greyhound Bus Station in downtown Norfolk, Virginia. The gallery was comprised of twenty vinyl mesh panels printed with local and regional artists’ designs along the Granby Street and Brambleton Avenue sides of the site’s fence. Artists were asked to share artwork that reflects the constant change and history of cities and neighborhoods. The twenty artists selected for this project beautifully visualized themes of memory, history, time, future, community, evolution and creativity.
The NEON, like many areas of Norfolk, was built on old waterways filled in for urban growth. The NEON District is also designated Auto Row Historic District for its defining role in the sales and production of Norfolk’s automobile industry. How do you think these histories have shaped the neighborhood, physically and metaphorically? As neighborhoods in Norfolk evolve, what do you see? What do you miss? What do you think of when you envision the NEON District? What does signify that these artworks are no longer in place?